Why is Adulting so Hard? 5 Easy Ways to Cope Up!!!

woman in black and white long sleeve shirt and brown pants sitting on black sand during

Adulting – the phase that everyone awaits & it is the best experience in a lifetime!!

Comes with joy, responsibilities and a lot of bills to pay!!

Most of us are that Millieneal & Gen Z kids, who always want to grow fast and excited to know everything around us.

But the harsh reality is here : We always feel like a failure in understanding the world around us.

And we come to the same conclusion that Adulting is HARD

We constantly question ourselves – Why Me?

Why is Adulting so Hard? Let’s take a view!!!

Pressure :

Every edge of this earth has pressure. I need a separate island to escape from all of this mess happening around. Ever felt so???

Don’t worry!!! You’re not alone!

Societal Pressure, Mental Stress, Relationship pressure, Responsibilites there are quite a few labels to name, but the pain is real & terrible in every aspect.

Whatever may be the reason, all of us are hating being an adult.

In the midst of chaos, we have to remember there will be always light if we choose to recognise it!

Adulting is Not Hard, if You choose to be tough!

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Ways to Cope up with Troubled Adulting !!

1.Set Goals

One of the main failures that we face right after being an adult is not understanding the value of goals. Most of us think to go with the flow.

Not stressing our selves too much in the wave of goal setting is fine.

But, Goal setting helps us build confidence and gives a purpose of what we are doing!

Setting Valid goals is more important than anything.

Donot set the goals that doesnt take us no where.

It only defames us from time to time!

Get!! Set!! Go!!!

Read More about goal setting in Atomic Habits Book


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2.Take Advice :

Even though we donot love taking advices as much as giving advices, we have to realise the worth of listening to elders , well wishers advice.

When you’re into too much pressure , you might not be able to see the problem in a different approach, which other person can see.

Listen to your elders and seek advice from them whenever possible.

Afterall, it is free!

3.Take A Break!

It might be a regular job, social media scrolling, rigourous workouts. Stop, Breathe & Relax!

Try taking a break from your violent schedule, pamper yourself with some favorite food, treat yourself with self gifts.

Spend some alone time and try to figure out the rest!

Also take a look at : Take care of Mental Health using 5 Easy Tips

4. Have Less Expectations

One of the main reasons for our disappointments come from more expectations.

With the floods of social media, We are drowning ourselves with heavy expectations without even a thought of do’s & don’ts.

Expect only the things that you’ve worked for not on every single person in your life just because they’re your ally/sibling/partner

These expectations not only hurts but also damages our relationships a lot!

So donot expect, only accept!!


5. Worry- Less, Think More!!

Often, we are prone to anxiety attacks due to the series of events happening around us.

Never Ending Price rises to Dreadful Traffic Jam, Power cut to One Social Media Post!

Almost, everything irritates us in some or the other way.

Truly, None of the above are what we deserve but also it doesn’t matter more than our mental health.

We have to always make a Plan- B for our issues. We should allow our brains to think more and stress less!

The Golden Words to Escape Tough Adulting !

Once in an interview, The legend cricketer M.S Dhoni was asked this question

“How can you be so cool all the time?”

He smiled and gave this answer.

"It's simple.Dont worry about the result. Only put in the hard-work to achieve your goal.
yourself for it"
"Concentrate only over the controllable things, if anything is beyond your control, donot stress yourself for it"

Hope all of us build the strength that we need to pass this phase smoothly & wisely!

Comment below if you’ve any tips for Less troubled Adulting!!!

Adulting Hitting Hard Quotes :

Here are some of the motivational quotes about adulting. While everyone has their own way of reducing stress, the quotations motivates us in the big way in the social media era.

Take a look at quotes and set your favorite one as today’s status. Mine is #3.

Adulting is hard Quotes for Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp.

Pic from winkgo.com

This quote perfectly suits to my life. As sleep as I am, I will be always hit with many unplanned events and stuck myself between sleep and goals. Im sure that it happens with most of us.

We dont run into sleep when we want to, only when we have so many things to do.

And we say ourselves ADULTING sucks! Adulting is hard

adulting quotes
Pic from Yourtango.com

Adulting is hard , but why not have a coffee and relax!

Cheers to caffiene lovers like me !

If you feel life is harder, have a coffee, look the nature around you, enjoy every sip, and breathe !!

Say LOUDER to YOURSELF : Everything will be alright

Adulting Funny Quotes


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Pic from spredshirt.com

Can you please wait for a while, Adulting???

I will take a run and go back to childhood as soon as possible!

Adulting is tiring
Adulting Quotes

No matter how hard the adulting is, Never lose the mental strength!

As it is always said, Trust the inner self and lets rise and shine through the adulting !

Tough Situations may come and go, but everything we, humans will fight against them and make ourself toughest than the problems.

Happy Adulting !

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