5 Step process to Build a Productive Morning Routine for a Great Day

a person having coffee while reading a book

Morning routines are really powerful and are really beneficial but only if we continue with proper morning activities and follow them consistently

While many of us fail to wake up early in the mornings, but we all have a goal to set a proper morning routine for being active through out the day.

Many of us even wake up and delve into sleep again thinking what can we do this early in the morning.

But there’s a lot we can do in the mornings that not only help us being organized , but also makes us more productive.

Let us take a look at what a morning routine exactly is !

What is a Good Early Morning Routine and How Does it Set You Up For Success?

A morning routine is a set of activities that you do every morning to set yourself up for success throughout the day.

It can include anything from making your bed, to meditating, to writing in a journal.

By having a consistent morning routine, you can

  • Increase Your focus and productivity
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Create more positive habits
  • Keep your life organized
  • Manage Time Better

5 Step Process for Productive Morning Routine

  1. Wake Up Early
  2. Excercise & Eat Healthy
  3. To-do-list & Prioritize Your tasks
  4. Read Something Inspiring
  5. Practice Self Reflection & Journaling

1.Wake Up Early & Get Ready for the day :

Waking up early and getting ready for your day can help you get organized, set yourself up for success, and feel energized throughout the day.

When you wake up early, you will always have a lot of time and you will never have to rush the things out. Try wakeup early challenges with in your social group and slowly it will become a habit.

With a few simple changes in lifestyle, you can slowly make a habit of waking up early.

2.Exercise & Eat Healthy to Jumpstart Your Day

Eating healthy and exercising regularly are key components of a healthy lifestyle.

If you eat healthy food and have a proper excercise, it gives you the strength to both body & brain. Thus, your mind will stop procrastinating and start working.

As per some reports, Excersing helps you recover from brain fog.

If you choose to skip excercise due to physical reasons, try meditating for a while in the morning to see enormous benefits

3.Make To-Do lists & Prioritize Your Tasks

Even though people say that to do lists are old school, it is always my favorite.

Listing all the tasks , ticking them off, when done gives me immense satisfaction and more motivation to complete the remaining.

It gives you the clear view of what has to be done and what you’re upto. This way you wont forget the tasks to be done in the entire day.

If you want to build a productive morning routine, try creating to-do-lists with the entire tasks to be done, and proiritize them during hte day.

4. Read Something Inspiring to Get Into The Right Mindset

With the number of distractions in outer world, we all need inspiration to get our things done on right time.

Staying away from the screens, notifications is one way of building morning routine .And also to get into the positive tone of the day, to keep myself motivated all the day, I prefer reading Self Help books in the morning.

I will try underlining the quotes that I like the most, and reading helps me get into the right mindset and to stay on track for the prodictive day ahead.

The book Im currently into : How to Stop Worrying & Start Living – By Dale Carnegie

Building Proudctive Morning routine
A snippet from my Current read

Okay, Coming back to the last and final step of building a productive morning routine.

5.Practice Gratitude & Self Reflection Before Starting Your Day

Starting the day with gratitude and self-reflection can be a powerful way to set yourself up for success.

Practicing gratitude helps us to recognize the good things in our lives and appreciate them more deeply.

Self-reflection helps us to identify areas of our lives that need improvement, allowing us to work on them and become better versions of ourselves.

Just try to write about what you’re grateful for , and pen down the things you would like to improve yourself today.
This will help you stay motivated through out the day and gives you a sense of purpose for what you’re doing through out the day.

Productive Morning Routine
Pin for Later 🙂

If you think, that these steps might not give you a productive morning routine, try other steps that suits for you.

But donot forget setting up the proper routine, because lack of routine makes the day more chaotic leaving you frustrated.

Hoping my morning routine helps you a little bit in building yours. Mention in the comments if you resonate or please let me know if you have any activities in addition to these .

I will be happy to add it to mine 🙂

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