14 Toxic Habits to Quit Immediately for a Peaceful Life!

books between gray branches of flowering tree in spring park

Not many of us realize that , our life is a combination of good and bad habits we acquire.

And this combination forms a lifestyle, which we complain ourselves a lot of the time.

We were taught a lot about bad habits (Smoking, drinking etc, )but not much about toxic habits.

Reading the book Atomic Habits ,By James Clear, I realized that breaking the bad habits or quitting the toxic habits is as important as building a good habit.

“The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. The task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower.”

– James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Bad habits might lead to a improper physical health, while toxic habits can create a miserable mental health issues.

We might not realize or accept that we are addicted to some toxic habits, as we do not recognize it some times.

So, we have to recognize our own toxic habits and quit them whenever possible.

Not everyone’s journey is same, and so our habits are.

But the only best thing that we can do is to observe our self a little, and let us quit the toxic habits that break us.

Here are Few toxic habits that we should quit immediately for a peaceful life

14 Toxic Habits to Quit Immediately

1.Being Jealous of others :

Today’s life is full of social media influence, and we never know what’s real and what’s fake.

But the problem is that we all assume and imagine that every other person’s life is as beautiful as it look on Instagram

And thus how, we feel jealous of other’s fortune and achievements.

This hatred or jealous even though occurs completely unintended, but it kills us internally and stops us growing.

So let us all try not to be jealous of anyone, and understand that everyone’s life here is different.

2.Quit Procrastination

Everyone of us are juggling with numerous task and we are striving day & night to meet our needs.

But , there is also a picture of this procrastination in our lives, which is stopping us to do few things which gives us peace.

We delay things at most of the times and struggle later to complete them all at once. This toxic habit procrastination affects our productivity

But if we quit procrastination, there will be a lot of time saved for us.

Related : 25 Productivity Hacks to Avoid Procrastination and Improve Self-improvement

3.Quit Defaming or Degrading your own self

Most of us can yell at anyone in public if anything wrong happens and try to defend ourself.

But , sometimes we all also complain a lot about our self, we feel that we are not worth at all.

This kind of self degradation kills our own soul and feels like we are fit for nothing.

If we do not understand our own worth, who will?

So, lets try to stop under-estimating our self, and start believing in our own self.

3.Being Fake in relations

Shit happens in everyone’s life and so in relations.

There will be situations where we have to adjust our self in forced relations or being fake in the relationship.

well, at times this is only the option we are left with , but faking in relations is no less than creating own mess.

This might solve the problems temporarily, but later , there’s nothing to do expect feeling regret about it.

Just, be transparent with your people whom you can trust friends, close people, partner, that will save you for sure.

4.Quit Being Isolated

Quit this toxic habit of being isolated from everyone.

If you isolate yourself, it is not going to solve any problem. Taking your space or limiting yourself is fine depending on your own circumstances.

But if you chose to isolate yourself from everyone, it is only going to create new misery for your loved ones.

Choose to be open with your close friends and try to share what you’re going through.

May be that might help you a little in fighting the battle.

5.Encouraging social media Addiction

We spend a big time on social media.

Using social media for fun is ok, but making it an addiction , leaving our own tasks and responsibilities behind will definitely make us pay back.

toxic habits to quit

Using social media excessively creates anxiety and increase our stress levels.

If you find social media overwhelming, make sure you find a way to take up social detox

6.Forgetting the goals

Settings the goals might be easy, but following them is the task that most of us give up on.

We all set intentions when a new month or new year comes up, later we get habituated to ignore them and eventually we forget them

It is our own responsibility to notice our goals and pickup where we left off.

So , let us try to quit another toxic habit of forgetting the goals.

7.Quit Over Spending

We have everything on the snap of fingers today which makes us not only lazy but also spending limitlessly.

This is that big time that we should stop buying things that are not required.

While Minimalism is all over trending these days, it is already practiced and preached by our ancestors .

Let us make an attempt to Minimalism , for a better and peaceful life

Related : 10 Minimalist Habits you can adopt today!!!

8.Quit Disorganization:

Either your wardrobe or the life, it needs proper organization and control.

Disorganization of closet leads to overspending and Lack of planning in life leads to chaos.

Sometimes, the things might definitely go off the board, but the little planning will definitely save you at anytime.

As everything start at home let us try to keep our home organized and so the life.

9.Ignoring your Body, Mind & Soul

While these are the priorities of our life, somehow we have a toxic habit to ignore them.

We binge watch, we eat junk food and no exercise.

We all feel safe and happy amidst all of these toxic habits for now, but it might hit us big time in the future.

Let us try to maintain the healthy lifestyle by balancing our body , mind & soul

Related : 30 things you can do at home to help improve your body, mind, and soul !!!

10.Ignoring Emotional Instability

Life is a river full of emotions flowing through all over our mind.

We either tend to express our self more, or to suppress them which leads to mental health issues.

Both of them create huge blockage in our mind and stops us thinking peacefully about why the negative things happened.

We have to maintain a balance of our emotions for a peaceful life. It is important to respond rather than react.

We might not notice that emotional instability , but people around might notice.

Sharing the things our heartfully with few good people really heals our mind, and we can easily avoid this emotional instability

11.Not being Sorry

We humans have this amazing ability to speak up our emotions whenever possible.

Lets put our god gift to the action and say some good things to people whenever it is needed.

Donot let your inner ego spoil the relation.

Say Sorry whenever you feel so !

Sometimes, it can build the relationships with solid foundation.

12.Not being Thankful

We often regret the things that we didn’t do.

If you feel grateful for anyone, tell them. If you feel thankful to God, Say IT louder.

Journal your gratitude thoughts, read them back and follow the peace.

13.Prioritizing things

As humans, we always struggle to balance things,

Balancing needs, balancing relations, we all fail it at sometimes.

Lets take a deep breath, and understand what are your priorities.

Make sure you value the permanent things (I mean things that matter most), leave the temporary feelings aside

14.Quit Saying Ok, if you’re not Ok

We all have this toxic habit of saying I’m okay, even if we are not.

We donot want to be an open book to anyone, we keep everything to us and that is also a problem

If you re not ready to open to anyone , it is fine. But if you are in hurdle of emotions ruining your brain, it is time to share the things with your loved ones.

Say them that you’re not fine, ask for help. Share your thoughts. Release the pain.Open up yourself.

You will get definitely better

The final word

These are few of the toxic habits that we should quit immediately.

This is just my list, which are my takeaways from my life, if you feel anything can be added to your list, please cut off that toxic habit immediately.

Knowing your toxic habit and cutting it is as powerful as inculcating a new good habit

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toxic habits to quit immediately for a peaceful life

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